Praise be to Allah

The angels praise God Almighty - it is incumbent on us humans to praise God - above - in any case and time and time; because the angels know the greatness of God - above - what we do not know, they are in this world closer to God - above - us; They are in the Supreme Kingdom.
Praise be to Allaah, the creative and the knowing; the creation of the angels from light, and the creation of the jinn from fire, and the creation of the sons of Adam from clay as pottery; praise to Him is praise worthy of His majesty and great power; Alone is not a partner; what Abdo Abed like the mention, and the mention of praise for what is his family ( and to remember God Akbar )There was no god but Allah, and we worship Him except Him, faithful to His religion, even if the unbelievers hate. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. There was a great deal of praise for Allah, and he praised him in hardship and hardship, and in prosperity and hardship. He reminds him-his sacrifice- in all his circumstances and at times, after the pain of one and her sorrows, and on the soil of her land; (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and bless him and his family and companions and follow them with charity to the Day of Judgment. Umrah Tour packages Uk
And the angels with their persistence in obedience to God - and - love of the obedience of the believers, and hatred of the people of infidelity and hypocrisy and immorality; they are very much praise for God - the Almighty - do not hesitate their tongues to mention and praise and praise and praise him, including his family, and the story of Adam, peace be upon him, The angels - peace be upon them - fear of corrupting people, spreading their corruption in the land, and disciplined with God - Aaly- in dialoguing with him, paying tribute to him including his family is from the ocean science with everything, and acknowledged that they know not only what their knowledge of God (When your Lord said to the angels, I will create a caliph in the land. They said, "I will make those who spoil it and shed blood. We will praise you and sanctify you." He said: "I know what you do not know." Adam taught all the names and then presented them to the angels. Except what you have taught us, you are the Knower, the Wise.
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