The virtues of Islam on all religions

One of them: that the miracles of all the laws went by the departure of the prophets, and fell in the knots in those laws after the length of time, and the death of the band who saw the miracles, and came people did not see a prophet, and a miracle, Vtgua and Bhagua, and lost, and Astdaloa, This is the reason why we are not interested in this cause, and the miracle of our enactment is the Holy Quran as its systems, and what it included among the absentees, and the sweetness of hearing the sweetness not created by the slaves, One of them is enough, so how about everyone? And all of them stay with the family after the ancestors and ancestors after the parents, Islam is no more than strength, and faith and unification, but Jeddah and thank God for that, interest was, and continued, and refuted the misguided and strayed, this is the speech and honor and honor.
Second:That all the Prophet sent to his people in particular, and Muhammad - peace be upon him_ sent to all the poor, the people and the Department of all kinds, and to show that the most advanced laws completed the law of the Torah, although Moses peace be upon him only sent to the children of Israel, and taking them from Egypt and across the sea He did not return to Egypt, nor did he preach to the people of Egypt, nor to preach to them, even if he was a messenger to them, because he did not neglect them. The master of the messengers told us this, and there is no doubt that the interests if they are completed are more complete, which is required.
Third: You were the best nation brought out to people), and because it was classified from science unless it is classified in a basket of boredom, so that the world one of them classified a thousand books in the various volumes in different sciences, and may not exist in the law of Israelis all of the Christians and Jews of such categories , And the world is from us the amount of Sharia in its entirety, and how many of the world, and because the ancient sciences are all but freed from the calculation of engineering and medicine, and body, logic, and so on, and all this is the result of them, and renewed is not the other language and language, and wonderful Arabic, The object of expression in which the great religions and the sciences of Hadith were classified And the sciences of the Great Quran on their ability, and the science of presentations, poetry and systems, and other sciences of their own, and they are the first sciences of others to summarize and show the joy, and remove corrupt from the right, and spread after the capture of others, became the science of existence confined to it first and last, Better, and because what God gave them.
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