
Praise be to Allah

The angels praise God Almighty - it is incumbent on us humans to praise God - above - in any case and time and time; because the angels know the greatness of God - above - what we do not know, they are in this world closer to God - above - us; They are in the Supreme Kingdom. Praise be to Allaah, the creative and the knowing; the creation of the angels from light, and the creation of the jinn from fire, and the creation of the sons of Adam from clay as pottery; praise to Him is praise worthy of His majesty and great power; Alone is not a partner; what Abdo Abed like the mention, and the mention of praise for what is his family ( and to remember God Akbar )There was no god but Allah, and we worship Him except Him, faithful to His religion, even if the unbelievers hate. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. There was a great deal of praise for Allah, and he praised him in hardship and hardship, and in prosperity and hardship. He reminds him-his sacrifice- in

The virtues of Islam on all religions

One of them: that the miracles of all the laws went by the departure of the prophets, and fell in the knots in those laws after the length of time, and the death of the band who saw the miracles, and came people did not see a prophet, and a miracle, Vtgua and Bhagua, and lost, and Astdaloa, This is the reason why we are not interested in this cause, and the miracle of our enactment is the Holy Quran as its systems, and what it included among the absentees, and the sweetness of hearing the sweetness not created by the slaves, One of them is enough, so how about everyone? And all of them stay with the family after the ancestors and ancestors after the parents, Islam is no more than strength, and faith and unification, but Jeddah and thank God for that, interest was, and continued, and refuted the misguided and strayed, this is the speech and honor and honor. Second: That all the Prophet sent to his people in particular, and Muhammad - peace be upon him_ sent to all the poor, the peo

The virtue of Ramadan

If it becomes clear that doing good things, and the great reward, and the great reward, and that it is one of the qualities of piety, which Allaah has enjoined - fasting - to achieve and complete it, and to collect its good consequences and blessed effects, it appears to you that fasting and fasting in Ramadan coincide with the people of faith. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever prays Ramadaan with faith and in reward is forgiven." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He has the above of his sins). It was proven in the saheeh of 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed in the mosque from the inside of the night and prayed with his companions for three nights. When the fourth night was the inability of the mosque for his family, The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - when he said - peace be upon him (I saw that you did, and did no

The virtue of the night prayer

The night a year confirmed, and bladders mostly in the rest of the year, the texts were frequent from the Quran and Sunnah encourage it and guidance to him, and carrots in it, great will and very much reward it made a statement, and that, like guardians of God and his slaves who God said in their praise and praise them:) not The guardians of Allah have no fear for them nor do they grieve. * Those who believed and were fearful * have a human being in this life and in the Hereafter there is no alteration to the words of Allah. That is the great victory. It is proven in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The best prayer after the written prayer is the night prayer." In the hadeeth of 'Amr ibn' Abba, he said: (As close as the Lord of the slave in the other night, if you could be who reminds God at that hour so). And Abu Dawood said about him - may Allah be pleased with him which night I hear? - means: more answer the pra

The Virtue of Islam and the Civilization of Muslims

Praise be to Allaah who bestowed upon humanity the message of Islam, and singled out this nation by inviting the best of the eyes, and explained to us the path Mosul to Dar es Salaam, and warned the guardians of the devil fire and revenge, and warned the Gaon of misguidance, blindness and shame. Humanity is still witnessing a certain faith in its heart, the great impact that Islam has spread in the hearts of its followers from the East and the West, and how it is impossible for a man to be arrogant and arrogant, to worship a god for the night and the ends of the day, so that no decision is made to him. Islam has set its rules on the basis that piety is the balance that weighs words and deeds. In the hadeeth: "Allaah does not look at your images and your bodies, but looks at your hearts and deeds." God - the Almighty - The verses have come to be heard in all parts of the world enlightening us the path of God - the most in the next - next to our ears:) O you who believe not